Another essay I checked out to write was The Mind of Donald Trump in The Atlantic by Dan P. McAdams. Here’s the passage that I highlighted to possibly use:
“During and after World War II, psychologists conceived of the authoritarian personality as a pattern of attitudes and values revolving around adherence to society’s traditional norms, submission to authorities who personify or reinforce those norms, and antipathy — to the point of hatred and aggression — toward those who either challenge in-group norms or lie outside their orbit. Among white Americans, high scores on measures of authoritarianism today tend to be associated with prejudice against a wide range of “out-groups,” including homosexuals, African Americans, immigrants, and Muslims. Authoritarianism is also associated with suspiciousness of the humanities and the arts, and with cognitive rigidity, militaristic sentiments, and Christian fundamentalism.”
It didn’t fit into my essay, but it helped me understand why white people, who’ve been ignored since Reagan’s “voo doo economics” destroyed them, love Trump. And why they loved Sarah Palin for a hot minute.