I beg to differ with you, Pam. If the Dems put up another corporate, read “moderate”, candidate again they will lose. I mean we did it twice with John Kerry and Hillary Clinton and they both lost. Obama was NOT framed as a moderate, but as an agent of change, which unfortunately he wasn’t. Obama was about as status quo as one can get. That’s why many disappointed Obama voters turned to that dangerous idiot Trump.
If the Dems get behind Bernie, and educate the older folks a bit with ads featuring Trump talking about cutting Social Security and Medicare, the word “socialist" will lose its power to frighten. After all, Social Security IS socialist! The post office is socialist. Public schools are socialist.
I would hate to think Dems are such a bunch of scaredy cats that they wouldn’t nominate someone just because of a word. And remember, we have quite a few words about Trump in our quiver: liar, cheat, misogynist, racist, sadist, and ignoramus. They top socialist every time.