My dear, dear writer: If you have lived with an open heart and open mind these last four years of Trump, I would expect your views to be more logical, more empathetic to the damage this man has done, and more informed by educated dialogue and debate. By your words, you have obviously been so propagandized by FOX News, Briebart, OANN (and a host of other QAnon, racist, sexist, National Enquirer-like publications) that you are unable to process actual facts like his consistent lying and racism, his prosecution of LEGALLY asylum-seeking children separated from their parents and kept in cages, the desertion of our Kurdish allies who were left to Turkish aggression after they helped us defeat ISIS, the grifting by his children and his associates (stealing from the US treasury), his gassing of peaceful protesters for a sacrilegious photo-op, and the ongoing collusion to destroy our democratic institutions with Putin, a Russian dictator and an enemy of our country. So, you can make believe Trump really cares about you, your family, and friends, but, sweetie, he doesn’t give a shit about you. In fact, he despises you. Turn off your TV and Rush Limbaugh and do some non-partisan heavy reading on who this man really is and what policies he’s really trying to enact. You’ll be very surprised. Maybe a light bulb will go off. in your head. Let’s hope so.