Zach, I can’t believe you received over 500 claps for this doggerel. So many generalizations here and so many rhetorical fallacies, and your final shout out to the dummies who believe this stuff you’re spilling into the pundit-sphere is reprehensible. Telling people not to vote? What? While you return to your pedestal high on the mountain content with the drivel you’ve foisted on the world?
Yes, the Democrats surely have made mistakes and, yes, the party has drifted since the Reagan Revolution into a Third Way world, but in no way are they the same as the Republicans who have been at the steering wheel of this country for most of the last 40 years.
Take notice, Zach, the Democrats base is comprised of young visionaries who are seeking to change things. Give them their chance to turn things around. If YOU want to sit out the election, please do. Me? I’m going to support the millennials trying to bring the Democrats back home to a new New Deal for the American public.